Saturday, 14 January 2017

Welcome to the World of Coyotes By Diane Swanson

Welcome to the World of Coyotes View By Diane Swanson

Title:Welcome to the World of Coyotes
Author:Diane Swanson
Page:32 pages

A coyote s keen senses help it survive With eyes that can spot the smallest movement, ears that can hear the faintest rustle, and legs designed for racing, it s no wonder some coyotes live to be than 10 years old These adaptable canines communicate by howling, and those who live in cities even respond to the sirens of fire trucks This book explores the lives of cle A coyote s keen senses help it survive With eyes that can spot the smallest movement, ears that can hear the faintest rustle, and legs designed for racing, it s no wonder some coyotes live to be than 10 years old These adaptable canines communicate by howling, and those who live in cities even respond to the sirens of fire trucks This book explores the lives of clever coyotes at work and at play About the series Each book in the Welcome to the World of Series introduces children to wildlife through color photographs, lively description and amazing facts

about Author

Diane Swanson grew up in Lethbridge, Alberta When she was a child, she collected rocks, watched insects, went swimming, and ate ice cream cones She could make paper dolls and play the piano Diane held pet shows and circuses for the neighborhood children And to make a little cash she gathered cardboard boxes and sold them to the local grocery stores She listened to radio programs like The Cisc Diane Swanson grew up in Lethbridge, Alberta When she was a child, she collected rocks, watched insects, went swimming, and ate ice cream cones She could make paper dolls and play the piano Diane held pet shows and circuses for the neighborhood children And to make a little cash she gathered cardboard boxes and sold them to the local grocery stores She listened to radio programs like The Cisco Kid and played cowboys Diane also loved to read The Secret Garden was one of her favorites and she always wrote stuff all kinds of stuff, especially her own adventures.Diane s dog, Sammy, was her ever present pal On summer mornings they would walk to a lake and scour the shore for neat looking rocks At home, Sammy would sit by the piano as Diane played, pretending that she had discovered a song that could open the door to a secret passage Diane recalls that about the only thing they didn t enjoy together were prairie thunderstorms Sammy would hide, while Diane loved to watch the lightning flash across the sky She thought it especially great when a hailstorm broke while they were outside Then she and Sammy would take cover in the garage and send messages along the clothesline to the house We re stranded Send cookies Now a full time author, Diane has made a career of writing fun and informative factual books for kids She credits the astonishing natural world as the inspiration behind her writing Children have always influenced her approaches to writing the child she once was, her own two children, and all the children she knows One tip that Diane would give to young writers is Write what really excites you No matter what your subject is, if you let your excitement shine through your words, you ll grab your readers interest Diane has published over 70 books for children including her latest with Annick Press, Animal Aha Spring 2009 , about some of the incredible discoveries made about animal bodies and minds Other books written by Diane include A Crash of Rhinos, A Party of Jays 2006 The Wonder in Water 2005 , is a look at just what s in the wet stuff, from the tiniest drop of sweat to the largest ocean Tunnels 2003 is the first in the exciting True Stories from the Edge series While researching these real life tunnel stories, Diane unearthed the fascinating true story of two families daring 1979 escape over the Berlin Wall in a homemade hot air balloon That incredible event didn t fit the underground theme of Tunnels , but Diane could not let go of the story s powerful message of triumph over dangerous political folly The result is her first picture book, The Balloon Sailors 2003 , a creative allegorical storybook based on those inspiring true events.Other Annick Press titles by Diane include The Dentist You 2002 , Turn It Loose The Scientist in Absolutely Everybody 2004 and Nibbling on Einstein s Brain Original 2001, Updated 2009 , which has recently been updated and newly illustrated Her work has earned numerous awards, including the B.C 2000 Award, the Orbis Pictus Award for Outstanding Nonfiction for Children, and the International Youth Library s White Raven Award Her work has also been shortlisted for the Mr Christie s Book Award, the B.C Book Prize, the Red Cedar Award, the Silver Birch Award, and many .She was one of the original members of the Victoria Chapter of PWAC Periodical Writers Association of Canada , a member of The Canadian Children s Book Centre, is a member of CANSCAIP, CWILL, and was a volunteer tutor for Project Literacy.Diane lives in Victoria, B.C., with her husband When not working on writing projects,she is busy geocaching, ballroom dancing and raising bonsai trees She also often visits schools and attends conferences

thumbnailTitle: Welcome to the World of Coyotes
Posted by:Diane Swanson
Published :2016-04-22T07:26+01:00
A coyote s keen senses help it survive With eyes that can spot the smallest movement, ears that can hear the faintest rustle, and legs designed for ra
Welcome to the World of Coyotes
32 pagesDiane Swanson

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