Saturday, 14 January 2017

The U-haul Diary By K.B. Draper

The U-haul Diary Free Download PDF By K.B. Draper

Title:The U-haul Diary
Author:K.B. Draper
Page:245 pages

What do you get if you add twelve ex girlfriends, four overly involved friends, glow in the dark body paint, a lesbian nemesis, a stripper pole, a casino surveillance tape, a three legged cat, the restroom at the Astrodome, the restroom at the local lesbian bar, the restroom at the Sheriff s department, Jesus gay boyfriend, Bigfoot and a near death experience with an appr What do you get if you add twelve ex girlfriends, four overly involved friends, glow in the dark body paint, a lesbian nemesis, a stripper pole, a casino surveillance tape, a three legged cat, the restroom at the Astrodome, the restroom at the local lesbian bar, the restroom at the Sheriff s department, Jesus gay boyfriend, Bigfoot and a near death experience with an appropriately attached life changing lesson The U haul Diary aka the story of my dating life.The U haul Diary is a comedic retelling of my unsuccessful, dysfunctional, sometimes unbelievable, life of dating a wide and varying array of women who have moved in and out of my life and house I hope you learn a little, and laugh A LOT

about Author

In 2008, K.B Draper discovered a talent for storytelling after drinking a bottle of cheap wine at a Christmas Party One of her equally intoxicated friends said, You are so freak n burp funny You should write a book The idea stuck and so did a cocktail napkin in an inappropriate place but that s a totally different story After that, K.B Draper taught herself to write which was challeng In 2008, K.B Draper discovered a talent for storytelling after drinking a bottle of cheap wine at a Christmas Party One of her equally intoxicated friends said, You are so freak n burp funny You should write a book The idea stuck and so did a cocktail napkin in an inappropriate place but that s a totally different story After that, K.B Draper taught herself to write which was challenging because she was a bad student and an even worse teacher but words started to make sentences, sentences made paragraphs and paragraphs eventually made a story, which came to be her first book, The U haul Diary The U haul Diary is a comedic, loose interpretation okay, completely one sided view of the women she dated who moved in and out of her life and house Writing was cheaper than therapy so she continued to tell stories in her stylized rambling humor but her second book Close Up is of a modern day,will they won t they, oh no they didn t, fantasy series, featuring Kanyon and Daylen, two heroines out to save the world from sin infused articles and the supernatural bad guys K.B Draper is not a classically trained writer but she fakes it pretty okay and hopefully inspires a few chuckles along the way

thumbnailTitle: The U-haul Diary
Posted by:K.B. Draper
Published :2016-04-14T14:45+01:00
What do you get if you add twelve ex girlfriends, four overly involved friends, glow in the dark body paint, a lesbian nemesis, a stripper pole, a cas
The U-haul Diary
245 pagesK.B. Draper

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