Sunday, 8 January 2017

Deegan's Rescue (Survivors of Paradise, #2) By Kimberlyn Day

Deegan's Rescue (Survivors of Paradise, #2) Free Download PDF By Kimberlyn Day

Title:Deegan's Rescue (Survivors of Paradise, #2)
Author:Kimberlyn Day

Deegan is so sick of aliens Especially one particularly hunky and pushy Abbaleer.Tugarth can take his muscles and his sweetness and his protectiveness and his muscles so many muscles such big, strong muscles No No muscles.No flirting.No sex.Yeah right One kiss and everything Deegan thinks she wants ends up out the airlock Instead of holding on to her hard won independen Deegan is so sick of aliens Especially one particularly hunky and pushy Abbaleer.Tugarth can take his muscles and his sweetness and his protectiveness and his muscles so many muscles such big, strong muscles No No muscles.No flirting.No sex.Yeah right One kiss and everything Deegan thinks she wants ends up out the airlock Instead of holding on to her hard won independence, she winds up lifebonded to a possessive, endearingly gruff alien who openly admits to being over the moon.So what s a girl to do when it turns out that her alien husband might have tricked her into lifebonding Unfortunately for Tugarth, he ll soon find out.Deegan survived Paradise, Tugarth will have to survive her

about Author

Kimberlyn Day is the pen name of a gal who loves to write about sexy aliens Expect insta love set in space, out of this world alpha males and females , and Happily Ever Afters where space ships sail off into a galaxy far, far away.

thumbnailTitle: Deegan's Rescue (Survivors of Paradise, #2)
Posted by:Kimberlyn Day
Published :2016-04-16T01:53+01:00
Deegan is so sick of aliens Especially one particularly hunky and pushy Abbaleer.Tugarth can take his muscles and his sweetness and his protectiveness
Deegan's Rescue (Survivors of Paradise, #2)
Kimberlyn Day

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