Friday, 23 December 2016

Golf in the Kingdom By Michael Murphy

Golf in the Kingdom Free Download Ebook By Michael Murphy

Title:Golf in the Kingdom
Author:Michael Murphy
Page:240 pages

Since its first publication, Golf in the Kingdom has been recognized as a classic work on the deeper mysteries of golf a gospel of those who suspect, or know, that golf is than a mere pastime.A young man en route to India stops in Scotland to play at the legendary Burningbush golf club and in twenty four hours, his life is transformed Paired with a mysterious teacher Since its first publication, Golf in the Kingdom has been recognized as a classic work on the deeper mysteries of golf a gospel of those who suspect, or know, that golf is than a mere pastime.A young man en route to India stops in Scotland to play at the legendary Burningbush golf club and in twenty four hours, his life is transformed Paired with a mysterious teacher named Shivas Irons, he is led through a round of phenomenal golf, swept into a world where extraordinary powers are unleashed in a a backswing governed by true gravity A night of adventure and revelation follow, and lead to a glimpse of Seamus MacDuff, the holy man who haunts a ravine off Burningbush s thirteenth fairway one they call Lucifer s Rug.Murphy s account reveals the possibilities for transcendence that resides in the human soul, and through mystic philosopher Shivas Irons, the reader, like Murphy, becomes drawn into new worlds by this ancient and haunting game

about Author

Bestselling author Michael Murphy has been called the father of the human potential movement, one of the most influential movements in twentieth century American culture His bestselling book Golf in the Kingdom 1972 inspired the creation of the Shivas Irons Society, a nonprofit group dedicated to finding beauty and discovery through the game of golf, and has recently been adapted into a movie s Bestselling author Michael Murphy has been called the father of the human potential movement, one of the most influential movements in twentieth century American culture His bestselling book Golf in the Kingdom 1972 inspired the creation of the Shivas Irons Society, a nonprofit group dedicated to finding beauty and discovery through the game of golf, and has recently been adapted into a movie starring Malcolm McDowell 2010 His other books include Jacob Atabet 1977 , An End to Ordinary History 1982 , In the Zone 1995 , and The Kingdom of Shivas Irons 1997 He lives in California

thumbnailTitle: Golf in the Kingdom
Posted by:Michael Murphy
Published :2016-03-26T01:31+01:00
Since its first publication, Golf in the Kingdom has been recognized as a classic work on the deeper mysteries of golf a gospel of those who suspect,
Golf in the Kingdom
240 pagesMichael Murphy

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